kuh-set was a commissioned piece as part of the FUN exhibit at the University of Michigan Museum of Art. kuh-set was an audio installation that encouraged visitors to combine multiple cassette tape loops to create unique soundscapes to accompany a visual piece in the exhibit. All of the visual pieces in the FUN exhibit were inspired by other pieces in UMMA’s collection. The visual piece which kuh-set accompanied was inspired by Construction #45 by José de Rivera. Visitors to the exhibit had access to over 30 individual pre-recorded looping cassettes; they were also able to record their own sounds onto provided looping cassettes. There were five shoebox tape players/recorders with speed control that visitors placed these tapes in and used varying timings to create soundscapes. There was also a workshop prior to the installation which taught community members how to make their own looping cassettes that could be used at the exhibition or enjoyed at home. In the workshops participants were supplied with some tools/instruments to create sounds and instructed in techniques for creating tape loops by disassembling the case, cutting and splicing the tape, and reassembling the cases to create their own looping cassettes.